
So all day yesterday all I could think about was how I wanted change… Not like to move somewhere or anything like that, but to change me. To pick up a new hobby, or create a new goal. I’m just not sure what.

I did have a few ideas….

  1. Read a new book every month. I love to read, so this wouldn’t be a hard one. Just being sure that I make the time to do it… But I just don’t feel like that is challenging enough for me. That’s not really the best explanation. More like I want to improve myself. Yes, yes I know reading is a way to improve yourself. But I mean in a different way, I want to become better, happy, healthier, to improve my soul! 
  2. Go to the gym. While I need to anyways because I’m paying for a gym membership at Planet Fitness, I just seem to always make up excuses on why I can’t go. It’s something that I really need to stop. I have a gym bad in my office at work, so there is really no excuse. So, this is one I am definitely going to set. Monday no more excuses, I will go to the gym. I want to at least go 3 times a week, mostly starting out in cardio to get back in the habit. Then move back in weights. To all my followers, hold me to it!!
  3. Volunteer. I don’t know what for but I really want to. Any ideas?
  4. Church. Get more involved. Read the bible completely. I really want to strengthen my faith.

That’s all I have for now. Do any of y’all out there have any ideas?

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