Day 3/4/5

So I got lazy on posting. Sorry about that, just been trying to get stuff done.

Yesterday was second time at the gym this week. It felt great!! Did another 45 minutes on the Eliptical, not much but I am already feeling better.

I haven’t really been eating all the great. Mostly fast food for lunch, but I have been watching the calories. So, I haven’t been doing too bad. I really need to go grocery shopping. It’s just when you get off of work at 5 the last thing you want to do is go to the grocery store. This weekend I will go.

For some reason this morning I kept thinking it was Friday, probably more like wishing. But the work days are going by fast, so I’m happy.

Next week I will be focusing on eating better and adding weights into my workout! So excited!!



So all day yesterday all I could think about was how I wanted change… Not like to move somewhere or anything like that, but to change me. To pick up a new hobby, or create a new goal. I’m just not sure what.

I did have a few ideas….

  1. Read a new book every month. I love to read, so this wouldn’t be a hard one. Just being sure that I make the time to do it… But I just don’t feel like that is challenging enough for me. That’s not really the best explanation. More like I want to improve myself. Yes, yes I know reading is a way to improve yourself. But I mean in a different way, I want to become better, happy, healthier, to improve my soul! 
  2. Go to the gym. While I need to anyways because I’m paying for a gym membership at Planet Fitness, I just seem to always make up excuses on why I can’t go. It’s something that I really need to stop. I have a gym bad in my office at work, so there is really no excuse. So, this is one I am definitely going to set. Monday no more excuses, I will go to the gym. I want to at least go 3 times a week, mostly starting out in cardio to get back in the habit. Then move back in weights. To all my followers, hold me to it!!
  3. Volunteer. I don’t know what for but I really want to. Any ideas?
  4. Church. Get more involved. Read the bible completely. I really want to strengthen my faith.

That’s all I have for now. Do any of y’all out there have any ideas?

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